Board of Directors - General Member

Please note all BOD members are stepping into a role of fiscal responsibility for the nonprofit. While this does not require years of business or accounting experience, it does require a commitment to collaboration, honesty, and transparency at all levels of the organization. All BOD members are encouraged to chair at least one committee or campaign, and actively participate in the efforts of two or more committees. 

In our commitment to representation, we are STRONGLY seeking BIPOC individuals to participate in the Board and would like to point out the creation of BIPOC Advocacy Director position. Please see that posting here.

Join our Board of Directors!

Individuals interested in joining the Hope Development Practice (HDP) Board of Directors (BOD) as a General Member will work alongside the Executive Director, Board Chair, and other Board leadership. These individuals should possess the following qualities:

It is a requirement under Washington state law that any and all liabilities and potential conflicts of interest be publicly reported and recorded in the Minutes Book. Additionally, General Members are expected to take initiative in learning what they don't know. This looks like speaking up when confused or if a covered topic isn't making sense. Call in help. We're in this together.

If this sounds like the type of work you are willing and able to help us with, please fill out the Volunteer Application Form here and indicate that you are interested in a General BOD position.