Jonathan Navarro, Drama Therapy Intern

he / she / they

          I am an enthusiastic provider of care and play for all ages, with a professional background of working in childcare, as a mental health specialist, and recreation coordinator. I have spent the last 15 years of my life travelling up and down the entirety of the west coast learning the skills and environments to support the communities I join and foster. As a storyteller I hope to embolden others to share their stories for personal growth or liberation, as well as continue building my own narrative as a voice for those who are oppressed. When I’m not in school and working in care of others I work in the service industry, filling those who enter my establishments with the joy of experiencing food, drink, and entertainment. I have been called on many occasions the host with the most and see this as part of my professional work as well. My goal is to create an entertaining safe learning experience in every facet of my work, whether it be teaching young children how to build a fire in the woods to playing dungeons and dragons with young adults to learn neurodiverse expressions of the self. I am a guide for those willing to grow, helping fill the pieces of the puzzle for the purpose of seeing the bigger picture of oneself.